Monday, November 07, 2016

How to get IELTS Score 7.5 for overall band scores for the beginner

Hi Guys, this time I wanna share you how to get IELTS 7.5 for overall band scores. I got this useful information from one of the IELTS test taker candidate who have already got 7.5 band score.

Here are his advice for us:
Set goal, keep practicing in discipline, and have faith.

His way to get 7.5 band score:
What he did before was to figure out his weaknesses by doing his very first practice. He then realized that he was weak at listening and writing. Thus, he worked harder for these two subjects compared to the other two.

Here are what he did to improve his speaking, writing, reading and listening skills:

1. He watched Youtube example a lot [mostly from people wo got band 8 and 9 for speaking].
2. He collected many idioms, expression, and high frequency words, learning them one by one, and he used some of them during his speaking test.
3. He recorded himself speaking and asked his friend to review his recording and gave him the feedback.

1. He did exercises of writing in Task 1 using many adjectives and adverbs, and read examples f band 9 for task 1.
2. He re-wrote people's task 2 essay who got band 9 each time he practice. Therefore, he could experience how hard [but beautiful] the writing of band 9 is and it always trigerred him to make an excellent essay too.
3. He did exercises of writing task 2 using many topics.

Although this part is his strength, he did not underestimate this subject. He also did IELTS Reading exercises.

The very first time he did practice he got only 5.5 then he worked harder for this then at the exam he got 7.5. How come..? he said "Practice", we can find IELTS exam exercises and also he daily listened to BBC World News Morning and evening.

I hope his share will help us to improve our IELTS band score. Remember, Practice will make us a little bit better..cheers..